Advanced Maternal Age And Genetic Testing

If you are in your late thirties or in your forties and you find you have become pregnant, you may wonder if your age will be a risk to your unborn baby. While advanced maternal age is considered to be high-risk and while the rate of a birth defect will increase as you age, many pregnancies will go on to have a successful birth and healthy baby. Here are some precautions your obstetrician will recommend due to your age to help determine if your baby is at risk for a birth defect. [Read More]

Why Orthodontics Are Needed For A Child With Buck Teeth

Growing up with buck teeth can be embarrassing for a child. Buck teeth are caused from a condition that is known as an overbite, which can be corrected if you take your child to a dentist to get orthodontics (braces) installed on his or her teeth. In this article, learn about overbite and getting it corrected with metal braces. What Can Happen When a Child Has an Overbite? Overbite leads to the top and bottom set of teeth being misaligned. [Read More]

Is The Pain In Your Neck Causing Problems In The Bedroom? Tips To Help Things Get Back To Normal Again

If you are feeling neck pain, you likely do not feel like having sex. Because sex is an important part of a marriage, problems may start to develop between you and your partner. Below are some tips on how you can still have a healthy sex life while having neck pain. Causes of Neck Pain Before you can get your sex life back on track, you need to find out why your neck is hurting. [Read More]

Tips For Buying A Walking Cane

If one of your legs is weak due to a stroke or accident, you may benefit from the use of a cane. It's helpful to have a physical therapist help you choose the right type of cane, and then teach you how to use it. However, since you can buy one at a medical supply store, you may decide to get one yourself. Here are some things to know before you do. [Read More]